God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps REACH out for Him and find him, though He is not far from each one of us. Acts 17:27

To share and show the love of Christ to the next 1,000 people.

According to Barna, 75% of Americans are “spiritually open” and want to grow spiritually. With the door open, God invites us to share that “He is not far from each one of them!”

Scroll down for resources!

30 Day Prayer Challenge

When we pray, we invite God into our hopes, dreams, and ultimately our lives. Will you commit to praying for someone for the next 30 days? Click the button for a 30 Day Prayer Guide that will lead you through daily prayers for those in your life that might need to know that “God is not far from us.” We will also have physical copies available in our church lobby.

Prayer-Walk Your Neighborhood

Many of us live around hundreds of people. Jesus instructed us to “love our neighbors” and a powerful way to show His love is to pray! Would you pray for your neighbors? Click the button for a 30 day Prayer Walk guide. We will also have copies available at the church.

Sharing Christ

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life-no one comes to the Father except through me.” Will you share Christ with someone? You may not know when the opportunity will arise but here are some links that will prepare you for when the moment comes.

Disciple Someone-Commands of Christ

The Bible can be overwhelming at times so this task is often best tackled with the help of others. Will you read the Bible with someone? Click the button for a 10-week look at the Commands of Christ. This is a guide that will help you take someone through some of Jesus teachings in a weekly meeting setting.